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Speaker's Profile & Talks

Workshop Facilitator          Workshop #1

Naning Utoyo

Experience Research Lead at SP Group

Naning is currently leading UX research in reimagining sustainability with SP Group. She previously worked in a SaaS startup for 2 years as a product person building inventory management software. She also worked for a digital agency for almost 4 years under the strategy team in helping regional clients in building digital strategies and campaigns.

Naning has passion in representing the user point-of-view and an intense curiosity about why people do what they do.

Workshop #1

Crafting a User Interview Plan

2 hours     •     25 Participants

Friday, 4 October 2018 / 09.00 – 11.00 / Room : 51st Floor, Yellow Room

Before conducting any type of user research, planning is a very good and crucial place to start. A user research plan should include the goals, methodologies, questions, participant recruitment, logistics necessary, and measurement and reporting plan to repeat the study and structures your thinking around the research activity. Before asking the users, ask yourself why. What are the most urgent concerns that stakeholders are eager to know and solve? What kind of insights are we looking for? What are the most important questions to be answered in the report?

3 things participants will learn from attending the workshop

  1. Determine objectives and map out the right questions and tasks to validate the designs.
  2. Recruit participants and manage their expectations.
  3. Prepare and facilitate a research session.
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