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Speaker's Profile & Talks

Case Study Speaker     •     Workshop Facilitator

Febriadi Pratama

CTO of Gringgo

Febri has more than 5 years of experience in system development, business development, and product development. From web development to building startups (Rota Living, DecaDeco, Gringgo)

As co-founder & CTO at Gringgo, his role responsibilities include operational supervision, leading business strategy and development, leading product development, HR, and decision making on technology use.

He currently mentors startups on product & business development in a national program “Gerakan 1000 Startup Digital” from Ministry of Information & Technology. Febri is a graduate of the Institute of Technology Bandung, majoring in Interior Design.


UXiD: Who are you are designing for?
Febri: We have several different users for the products, but mostly we categorized our user as the “waste producer”, it can be on the level of household or businesses. We also design our services involving pemulung in the ecosystem.

UXiD: What does it take to design to improve social services?
Febri: I think with the design we can create a better system and more attractive product for people to use.

UXiD: How would UX approach able to enhance a product’s social impact?
Febri: By understanding deeply about our user and customer, we can create a better product for them to use. also, because a lot of our user & customers are not tech-savvy, to design a product that is easy to use and use more universal terms and language becomes a very critical.  

Case Study Presentation

Gringgo, Integrating Ideas, Technology and Social Impact to Tackle Waste Problem

30 minutes     •     100 Participants

Thursday, 4 October 2018 / 14.45 – 15.15 / Room: 51st, Green Room

Tackling common problems can be challenging, waste is one of the problems we see everyday but a lot of people don’t see it as an opportunity to be solved. In this presentation we will dive deep on the process how we managed to come up with technological solution to solve common problem. As well as seeing opportunity to be economically sustainable to create bigger impact.

Workshop #9

Role-Playing Future Scenarios of Healthcare Services in Indonesia

2 hours     •     25 Participants

Date: Friday, 5 October 2018 / Time: 13.15-15.30 / Room: TBA

When the products and services we are designing interact with multiple users and roles, it can be very challenging to understand the multiple impacts of our design and provide well-integrated experiences among the users. In this workshop, we will cover some research findings of a health problem in Indonesia and use this as a base for ideating for solutions. We will introduce the method roleplaying and participants of the workshop will learn how to use this method in exploring ideas, solutions in a fun and engaging way. The goal, variations, and limitations of role-playing as a method will also be covered in this 2-hour hands-on workshop.

In this workshop:

    1. You will learn about the Role-Playing method, the goal and some examples of roleplaying.
    2. You will get a hands-on experience in a team applying and tweaking this method to solve a problem focusing on healthcare in Indonesia.
    3. You will learn how to prepare for a role-playing workshop or activity that you can apply in your projects and workplace
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