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Speaker's Profile & Talks

Case Study Speaker

Hannah Rubio

Lead Software Developer for Grameen Foundation

Hannah works for Grameen Foundation, a global nonprofit which aims to enable the poor, to create a world without poverty and hunger.


UXiD: Who are you are designing for?
Hannah: We are designing both for the Field Officers or Agronomists using the application directly, and with the Farmers whom these Agronomists interact with.

UXiD: What is one of the problem that your product trying to solve with UX?
Hannah: Agronomists face challenging environments when providing services to the Farmer. With the help of the applications, the aim is to improve the services to Farmers even with these present issues.

UXiD: How would UX approach able to enhance a product’s social impact?
Hannah: The ease of UX will help Agronomist to optimize their daily job of doing farm observations, providing advice, and monitoring farm condition. Farmers receive customized advice, and get additional services even after the Agronomist’s visit.

Case Study Presentation

Improving Services to Farmers through Innovation

30 minutes     •     100 Participants

Thursday, 4 October 2018 / 15.30 – 16.00 / Room: 51st, Pink Room

To reach farmers at the “last mile” – Grameen Foundation combines the use of digital technology, networks of skilled individuals in local communities and a rich array of partners. In this presentation, we present solutions for both field officers to enhance the support services they provide to farmers, as well as guiding materials farmers can use to improve their farm condition.

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