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Case Study Speaker

Monika Halim

Ex Product Design VP GO-JEK

Monika or Momo is a product designer. Her mission is to set a role model for a great design team, not only for the output but also for the collaboration and relationship. Momo joined GO-JEK in early 2016 when the team was only 5 junior designers and 1 junior researcher. At the time, the team had to redesign everything, where each designer would handle 3-4 products end to end. Fast forward to today, there are almost 50 people on the team with various skills and a more integrated product strategy and team support.


UXiD: What time do you like to be at your desk?
Monika: Usually around 10 AM. Some days I will come earlier, some days later. But most of the time, I’m already available online even before that.

UXiD: What is your leadership style?
Monika: I don’t think I have one particular style, I’m still learning as well – I think it’s important to be able to evolve and adapt leadership style to the team’s & company’s life stages. Different team’s personality and different times may need different styles of leadership. But for me, people come first. Their well-being is important. Aside from skills & competencies, personality and characteristics are also something that I value and carefully handpicked, a UX team needs diverse personality and characteristics, but one that will complement, support and trust each other. That lasting bond will create a healthy culture and dynamics and will catapult the team beyond for the long run.

UXiD: Where is the best place to prepare for UX leadership?
Monika: First of all, I don’t think UX Leadership is different from any other leadership, it’s just happen that we’re in UX field. As a company, one of the ways is that you can visit other companies that you look up to for benchmarking. Or invite them over to share with the management. As an individual, you have to seek your mentor, meet other leaders and seek feedback, reach out to them because they don’t fall from a tree or given to you. Learn their values, learn how they handle their challenges, learn from their struggles and imperfections as well. Everyone is on a learning journey of their own.

UXiD: What technology do you take on your trip?
Monika: I don’t like to bring too many things. My mini Bluetooth speaker & Bluetooth headphone are always with me whenever possible because I love listening to music. My phone has become my notebook & books as well, so that helps reduce my stuff. Sometimes I bring my camera when I planned to explore a place and hunt photos.

UXiD: What would your key UX leadership advice be?
People often let their title get in the way of just getting their hands dirty and get things done well. Have a mission for the team, bring them together to march towards it. Model great qualities, be passionate and engaged in what you do. Others will see that and want to learn from that, and be part of it.

Case Study Presentation

Designing A Design Team

30 minutes     •     100 Participants

Thursday, 4 October 2018 / 13.15 – 13.45 / Room: 51st, Green Room

There’s no exact best way to build a design team, it’s not a rocket science but not exactly a math either. And when it comes to people, 1+1 doesn’t always equal 2. So how did we grow the team from 5 people to 50 and keeping them motivated? I will be sharing about the journey and learning when we built the design team at GO-JEK, what it means putting people first, how did we identify our needs and how that reflects in hiring plan, the challenges we’re facing, and how to scale knowledge and distribute leadership.

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